This weekend we had a wonderful time at the Horse show with Mackenzie and Natalie. Natalie was adorable and did very well for her first show! She is just starting out with showing Juliet and it doing such a great job.
I am just so proud of Mackenzie!
I have really just acquired a newfound appreciation for her with the horses. Having horses is a pretty expensive hobby. But for Mackenzie it isn't just a hobby, she really wants to make this her life. She has a folder on her laptop with all the colleges that she has researched where she will be looking at Equestrian Sciene degrees. She does such a good job at taking care of Juliet and Cali. She works 2-3 days per week in order to take money off the board. We sure love her for that, and it really helps out! But more than that, she never complains about all the work she does. She mucks out stalls and feeds all the horses in the barn. I think there are 25 horses. She has to bring them all in from the pastures and get their grain and hay prepared before feeding them. Almost every Saturday morning, she arrives at the barn around 7:30am to begin cleaning out the stalls. I don't pick her up until about 6pm. She is such a hard worker. And she is so talented in riding! She showed Juliet for 5 years and won numerous awards for her talent! Now she has Cali, who is very green. (Green in the horse world means unexperienced!). So she has started from scratch with her and teaching her how to listen to the cues the rider gives her. And then she is teaching Cali to jump. Amazing. And she is so patient with Cali. What a beautiful girl she is...both inside and out! :) (Thanks Aunt Theresa for the awesome photos!!!)