Wednesday, September 2, 2009

School shopping with a Diva Daughter! :)

Ahhhh...Mackenzie. I think it is awesome that she is so fashionable. I mean, I think it is relatively awesome. Our pocketbook doesn't think so. And neither does the time clock. But, at any rate, I took our little Diva out for a shopping spree. She got some great clothes...though, of course she has to layer most of them to make them even remotely modest. But that's okay. She looks beautiful inside and out.

Can't you just caption what she was thinking in the above photo... "Come ON mom! You do NOT have that huge camera out and are taking a photo of my WALKING down the mall???". Oh, yes, I am. "Do you LIKE those bags you are carrying???". Sigh. "Snap away, mom." Hence the smiling photo shown below... :)

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