Thursday, February 11, 2010

Disney On Ice

I took the three little ones to Disney Princesses on Ice. They just absolutely LOVED it! :) Even TJ got a kick out of it!

This was too funny! I told the girls to curtsy, so TJ, of course, had to try and do his own curtsy!

When the girls realized what he was doing they just cracked up!
We packed the girls Princess Lunch Boxes with yummy stuff so we wouldn't have to buy anything. It is highway robbery out there - $10 for a bag of cotton candy. $18 for a sno-cone. Come ON people! We also went on opening night. So the tickets were only $10 each. So for a grand total of $36 (you know, all the little "fees" they include), the kiddos and I had a nice night out on the town!

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