So I decided since I didn't have a scheduled jog/walk with my good friend Melissa yesterday, I would take my 3 littlest munchkins out for an evening walk while daddy was at scouts and the horse barn with the older 2 kiddos. Hmmmm...all that walking proved to spark some interesting conversations.
I decided to start quizzing Natalie on addition problems for the remainder of the way home. Seemed like a harmless subject.
It started out with TJ:
Mommy: Say bye to the chickens! (expecting TJ to wave)
TJ: Bock, Bock! (at the top of his lungs)
Mommy: (excitedly) What did you say? (I know, most parents wouldn't be this thrilled that their almost 2 year old said a repetitive word twice, but this child is as stubborn as can be and REFUSES to talk)
TJ: Muhhhhhammmmm.... (pointing at chickens)
Mommy: Come on TJ, say "Bock, Bock"
TJ: (doesn't say a word. Laughs, smiles, and sticks his tongue out).
Lovely. Just Lovely. I give up.
We get about 1/4 mile into our walk with just the normal "Look Mommy! It's a red robin!" sort of talk. Then Kennedy pipes in:
Kennedy: Ewhhhhhh....it smells like Cow Poop!
Natalie: (rolling her eyes) Kennedy, but there isn't a Cow Poop Farm around here!
Kennedy: But it's stinky!
Natalie: Don't you know there are fields that grow cow poop, Kennedy! Look, there isn't any here.
(Kennedy looks thoughtful, and then must have agreed with the advice of the "know-it-all" big sister, because she quits being insistent about the cow poop smell)
About 50 more yards later.
Kennedy: I have to go potty.
Mommy: Kennedy, that is why I told you to go potty BEFORE we went on a walk. Now you are going to have to wait until we get home.
Kennedy: Mommy, your butt is big.
Mommy: Excuse me?
Kennedy: Will mine get big?
Mommy: Um, yes. When you are a mommy.
Kennedy: But I like little butts. When I go potty I almost fall in. You have a big butt. How do you go potty? You not fit.
(And...what do you say to that?)
She must have been on a roll with baffling me. Couldn't have been 2 minutes later:
Kennedy: Mommy, look, this is a fish (looks up at me from the stroller and gives me fishy lips).
Mommy: (Laughs) cute!
5 minutes pass. She must have been really thinking about this one.
Kennedy: But Mommy, I not a fish.
Mommy: No?
Kennedy: I am a girl. Her a girl too. (points to Natalie)
Mommy: She. Kennedy, She's a girl.
Kennedy: TJ is a boy.
Mommy: Yep!
Kennedy: Because him has a potty like daddy.
So glad we have taught our kids to contemplate the cosmos. Or at least the male/female genitalia.
I decided to start quizzing Natalie on addition problems for the remainder of the way home. Seemed like a harmless subject.
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