I am slowly but surely processing all the photos from our trip - so be patient! :) This was our first night in Salt Lake City. Our flight got in around 5pm, and we went to the rental car place, checked into the hotel, and then went over to some Portland friends house for dinner! We had yummy pizza and salad with Ariana and Jeff! Their two kiddos, Preston and Calvin, were adorable! Preston is a hoot! He is SOOOO smart for his age. He was listing off every country in the world (um, no, I am not kidding) and could point to them on a huge world map hanging in their downstairs. THEN he could name the capital of every country. Unreal. He then started spelling all the crazy words, like "Pumpernickel"...Natalie wanted to get in on the action, so she said "I can spell CAT!". Funny. Oh- and did I mention they are the same age????
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