Sunday, January 11, 2009

Our "missionary" plan

So, being in the LDS church we are constantly told to be "missionaries" for the church, as it is our duty to spread the gospel so that everyone has a chance to experience what we have found...yada, yada! :) Not to belittle the wonderful work that full time missionaries do (we hope, very much so, that Alex will serve a full time mission at the age of 19), but I guess you could say that missionary work isn't our "thing". I would never feel comfortable just handing out a Book of Mormon and being like "Wow! What a read! You too, can have your life changed forever!"

Anyway, in our current branch, we have been challenged to really reach beyond our "comfort zone" and really try hard to spread the gospel throughout this New Year....even going as far as creating a family "missionary plan". What Brian and I both agree on, is that we can share our life and what we have found as our comfort in the LDS church, by being an "example". If people want to ask "Hey- what is your "secret" to happiness?", I would be happy to share! So...that brings us to our family "misisonary plan".

We got a license plate and stickers to go on the back of our car...hopefully it will, at the bare minimum, answer the question that everyone has for us..."WHY do you have so many kids? You guys Catholic or something???"

The only thing we dread is when we have to go through a drive-thru and we are waiting at the window as the line behind us grows longer and longer...we are afraid they are going to be thinking "SEVEN??? You have got to be kidding me! I had to get behind a 'burban with SEVEN Mormons in it???"

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