Friday, April 3, 2009

I'm tired today

There's piles of stuff everywhere, just waiting for me to clean it up.

The sink is overflowing with dirty dishes and the floor is covered with little bits of cereal and goldfish crackers. I hope that is just oatmeal globbed on the granite countertop?

There are mountains of laundry. To wash. To fold. To clean up. You name it, it needs to be done.

I finally mustered up enough motivation to take the kids to the pool today, and just as I got settled in the warm water, the lifeguard said "Excuse me...but open swim time is over in 15 minutes. Sorry about that!". Great. Guess I should have checked the schedule first.

I have overdue library books, but I just don't feel like going. Or even digging out my library card and renewing the books online. Now, that is lazy.

I want to spring clean the kids closet. But it is hard to find the motivation to "spring clean" when there were flurries outside this morning.

I need to feed and water the chickens. But. But. I don't know. I just don't want to walk out to the coop.

I need to go grocery shopping. Mackenzie is having a friend over tonight and she is bound and determined to cook dinner on her own. Fun times. I wonder if she is planning on cleaning up the kitchen too? Can I leave the goldfish crumbs for her?

It is 2 pm. I still haven't gotten TJ out of his pajamas. Yep, I took him to the pool, got him out of his swimsuit and put him right back in the pj's. I guess I really know I should give him a bath before getting him dressed. So, logically if I just keep him in the pj's I didn't really neglect the bath. Right?

I stayed up too late last night watching for Kennedy to run a fever again. So I really just want to go back to bed.

But I can't. Even if I didn't have 3 little kiddos who need my attention, there is too much to do and no one else to do it. So, I am going to stop feeling sorry for myself and dig in.
Does anyone else randomly vent and whine by method of blogging? Should I be seeing someone for this?
Okay, here I go, wish me luck! :)

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