Monday, October 6, 2008

Alex's Cake...and Family Home Evening

Today was a pretty uneventful day (unless you have a lot of money in stocks...then today may have been a little rough...). After we finished work, Alex, Natalie & I went to Don's market to round up some missing items for dinner. The menu was about as exciting as the day...we had soup, salad and garlic bread! It was Alex's turn to make dessert so we had chocolate lava cake with ice cream. Yum!

We then had Family Home Evening (for non-LDS readers, that is a night that we set aside with our family to have a short lesson, songs, prayer & activity). For the activity we watched the newly released Emma Smith movie. Wow. Was that woman full of the strength of a gladiator. To endure the challenges that she and her family faced was absolutely amazing. If she didn't deserve the place of an Angel at God's side, then I don't know who would.

Anyway, thought I would share a quote, and of course, some photos! :)

Signs of Good Parenting
"While it may break the heart of a wise parent, they realize that it is not love to shelter a child from every adversity and all hardship. It is through occasional adversity and the winds of life blowing against us that we develop the muscles to stand strong and steady, gaining our moral balance."

This photo cracks me up with TJ...he is like "Guys...your smothering me here!"

Alex and his Lava cake!

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