Tuesday, October 14, 2008

mommy time

So every morning around 9 am, I take a shower, put on make up and head out the door. I get in the BMW (aka Big Mormon Wagon - the suburban) and head off to "Don's Quality Market". It is less than 5 minutes away, just past the one street light (yep, the one and only) in Seymour. Ahhhh...how I love my morning ritual. I cruise the ailes and gather about 10 grocery items. It isn't a big store, but everyone knows me there, so I get friendly smiles and happy waves. I think, I plan, I relax, and I daydream. I have no one but me, for all of a half hour. Then I head back home and I am ready to greet the day, the business & the children.

Some women read, some relax in a bubble bath, while others get massages. Not me. I go to Don's. Or I gather my chicken eggs. Now, that's what I call small town living. :)

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